The purpose of this week's lesson is to help us understand that as we take the Savior’s yoke upon us and do his will, we will find the peace and joy that he has promised.
We discussed this a couple of weeks ago when we read Matthew 11:28–30 ( Jesus invites all who labor and are heavy laden to come unto him, take his yoke upon them, and learn of him.) The question was asked, how can taking the Lord's yoke upon us lighten our burdens? Many wonderful ideas were shared in class and if you would like to add your own, feel free to comment at the bottom of the post.
I think part of the reason our load gets lighter when we take Christ's yoke upon us is because when we try to make our own way in life we are pulling the wagon by ourselves. When we follow Christ who is The Way, suddenly we've got the help of God and all His angels to help us pull whatever load we've got! Divine help is available to for the asking.
Consider this question: How does obeying and serving the Lord make our burdens light?
"Lesson 10: “Take My Yoke upon You, and Learn of Me”," New Testament Class Member Study Guide, (1997)
Matthew 11:28–30; 12:1–13; Luke 7:36–50; 13:10–17
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What are some examples of burdens we bear in this life? How can the Lord “give [us] rest” from these burdens? (See Matthew 11:28–30.) What does it mean to take Christ’s yoke upon you? (See the scripture chain in this section.)
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The woman who entered the house of Simon the Pharisee carried the burden of sin (Luke 7:37). What did the woman do that allowed Jesus to take away her burden? (See Luke 7:38, 44–50.) What can we do so the Savior will remove the burden of sin from our lives?
Suggestion for Family Discussion
Have a family member hold an open, empty container such as a bag or box. Ask other family members to put objects into the container, one at a time. When the container becomes heavy, invite a family member to help carry it. Explain that the objects represent burdens we carry, such as adversity and sorrow. The help from the second family member represents the rest the Savior offers us as we come to him when we “labour and are heavy laden” (Matthew 11:28). Read Matthew 11:28–30 and Mosiah 24:8–15, and help family members understand that when we follow the Savior, he will ease our burdens and make them light.
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