To help us recognize that the work of the Church is done by many people, all of whom contribute their talents and testimonies to strengthen the Church.
- 1.
Read, ponder, and pray about the following scriptures:
- a.
Acts 6:1–7. The Twelve Apostles ordain seven men to supervise the temporal work of the Church.
- b.
Acts 6:8–7:60. Stephen, one of the seven, testifies before the Sanhedrin. His words anger the people who are listening, and they take him out of the city and stone him to death.
- c.
Acts 8:4–40. Philip, another of the seven, preaches and performs miracles in Samaria. He teaches and baptizes an Ethiopian eunuch.
- d.
Acts 8:1–3; 9:1–31. Saul persecutes the Church until he receives a vision of Jesus Christ. Saul is converted and baptized and begins to preach the gospel.
- a.
- 2.
Additional reading: Acts 22:1–16; 26:1–5, 9–18.
- 29. “Ye Are My Witnesses, Saith the Lord” ( Acts 1–8 )
- 30. “God Is No Respecter of Persons” ( Acts 10–12 )
- 31. “A Chosen Vessel unto Me” ( Acts 9 )
32. “I Have Set Thee to Be a Light of the Gentiles” ( Acts 13–18 )

4. I See The Heavens Opened (Acts 6-8)
Acts 6–9
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As the early Church grew, groups within it sometimes had disagreements with each another (Acts 6:1). How can we as Church members overcome disagreements and divisions among us? Why is it important that we do so?
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How did Philip meet the Ethiopian eunuch? (See Acts 8:25–29.) What blessings came to Philip and to the Ethiopian because Philip followed the Spirit? (See Acts 8:30–38.) What blessings have come to you (or to someone you know) because you have followed the Spirit?
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Saul changed from a persecutor of the Saints to a great servant of the Lord after he heard the Lord’s voice (Acts 9:1–9, 17). How can we hear the voice of the Lord? (See D&C 1:38; 6:23; 8:2; 18:34–36.) How can hearing his voice help us become converted?
Suggestion for Family Discussion
After reading and marking the scripture chain in this section as a family, ask the following questions:
- •
Why do you think it is important to be a member of a ward (or branch)? Who are some of the leaders and teachers in our ward? What do they do to help and support us? What can we do to help and support them?
I love the story of Stephen. He was such a good man, full of faith, that the apostles called him to be an assistant to them. It sounds like they needed help taking care of the temporal needs of the church so they could focus on preaching the word.
ReplyDeleteStephen never backed down from his testimony. He spoke the truth even in the face of hatred and malice. He saw the Heavens open and saw Jesus on the right hand of the Father, and was stoned to death for telling those around him what he saw. What a powerful witness!
Plus it totally breaks down the false doctrine of the Trinity. I love the truth! I so dearly want to testify like Stephen and others did - to speak boldly in the face of opposition and be counted worthy to suffer shame for Christ.
That's a pretty dangerous goal. I half wish I could change it because wouldn't it be nice to just sit back and never ruffle anybody's feathers and just live in peace? I do want to live in peace, but I want it to be real peace- the peace of knowing that I've done all that I could, that I've fought the good fight, that I've finished the race and magnified the talents God has given me, the peace that passes understanding that comes to those who invite the Spirit into their lives by patterning themselves after Christ.
There is no peace for me in sitting back and doing nothing to help this world in distress. These are the last days. This is the last time. This is our time to rise up and show the world with our lives that Jesus Christ lives, that his church has been restored to the earth, and that we can be together forever through Heavenly Father's plan.
Let's do it!
Hi Trina! You left a wonderful comment on our Scripture Sisters blog a while back. We are planning to get it started again and would love for you to be a part of the discussion. Thanks for coming over!